Marking of cement

Cement binder powder is the main structural component that is used to make a number of other building materials, or as an individual element for construction. Its production is based on a process of several technological stages aimed at mixing fossil materials and turning them into clinker, which provides additional operational properties of cement.
Marking of cement
The structure of the composition and the proportions of its components determine the scope of its application, as well as each characteristic and quality. In this regard, experts classify multiple varieties of cements, each of which has its own marking. In this article, you will learn about various ancient types of cement and about marking cement in accordance with such regulations as the state standard.

Features of using and creating astringent

A key feature of mixtures that include this building material is that each of them hardens in the open air or even in the hydrosphere. This chemical process can be activated by water, saline solution, and other liquids that turn powdered building materials into a mass (it is plastic and fluid), convenient for applying on surfaces, and then gaining the maximum level of compressive strength.
Marking of cement
A typical mix for general construction works is mainly produced with the involvement of low-clinker powder (fine clinker in combination with mineral additives and fillers) in the production procedure. To get the clinker itself, lumpy limestone with alumina is fired, grinding the cooled elements into a powder structure.

Presented as a granular structural building material, clinker has a structure consisting of the following phases::

  • Alite (Ca3SiO5, tricalcium silicate, 50-70%). Determines the maximum level of cement strength due to its interaction with the liquid (best effect after 28 days).
  • Belite (Ca2SiO4, 15-30%). It affects the strength index more slowly, but its effect is crucial for long-term operation.
  • Aluminum (3CaAS, 5-10%). It differs in the maximum setting speed, then this phase is regulated by reagents.
  • Feritna phase (4CaFS, 5-15%). According to the rate of hardening, it is located between the Alite and Belite phases.
  • Minimal amount of additives (for example, alkaline sulfates and calcium oxides).

Marking of cement
Together with this raw material, composite building materials include such additives as bauxite, trepels, and pyrites.

Classification of technical types of building materials

The main classification criteria will be discussed below. A detailed table will allow you to distinguish between cements of the type that turn into the consistency of masonry, and those that are used for pouring, for example, to create a concrete foundation.

For the main mineral

Title Features
Romantsement It is characterized by the predominance of bilite, which is not manufactured in modern conditions.
Portland Cement The Alite phase prevails. The most popular building materials
Aluminous The aluminum phase prevails
Magnesian Component inclusion of magnesite and mixing with dissolved salts
Acidproof The structure is formed by sodium hydrosilicate, sodium silicofluoride and quartz dry sand, and for mixing it is necessary to use dissolved liquid glass
Bio-cement It is characterized by ecological cleanliness, which is determined by biological production procedures

What supplements does it contain

Title Features
Standard Portland Cement (abbreviated PC) Pure variety of Portland Cement Clinker
Sulphate-resistant Portland cements Extremely popular in construction, if the environment is characterized by aggressive activity
White building materials (BC) Content of up to 20% blast furnace slag
WCC Building Materials Hydrophobic version (waterproof view). This category includes fast-setting building materials that take only 15 minutes for their structure to begin to harden.
The building material is plasticized These should have additives to create frost-resistant building materials (they are not afraid of negative temperatures)

By curing speed

Title Features
CEM I Pure PC with less than 5% mineral additives. There is an increased strength of cement building materials and hardening within a short period of time (up to 50% of the capacity on the 2nd day).
CEM II The product contains 6-35% of impurities. There are pozzolanic and slag variants.
CEM III Portland slag cements (harden normally) – 35-60% granulated slag
CEM IV 21-35% of it is silica or ash. The exact additive is called with the introduction of letters when creating markings for building materials.
THIS V This creates light concrete-its strength is lower. The proportional ratio is marked by the presence of a slag component and removal (equal to their number) – only 11-30% for each

Marking of cement
Also, according to the regulations, information about the percentage of additives (for example, D0 or D20) is marked.

Definition scheme and existing cement grades

The brand identity of building materials is calculated by conducting tests on special equipment in a laboratory room. This procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • A typical building material is prepared: 1 powder part to 3 sand parts.
  • It is used to create a sample-a miniature beam of 4 × 4×16 cm (3 pieces). To do this, use a pre-prepared form.
  • After 48 hours of hardening, the bars are transferred to a 20-degree liquid for the specified 28-day period.
  • Stretched and dried bars are placed under the press. A gradual increase in the force with which pressure is exerted on them allows you to calculate the load (Pa value) that this building material can withstand.

The measurement result obtained by compressing cement blocks allows you to specify the exact strength class of the building material. According to GOST 31108, the brand of building materials is regulated from M300 to M800 in increments of 50-100 units. Another average value is the M400. M500 and M600 building materials are also being mass-supplied to the construction market. The capabilities of the latter allow you to build any hydraulic engineering object.

Important! To ensure the necessary strength of concrete, you should purchase a binder of branded accessories with a value twice as high as you need to get.